How To Disable Windows 11 Widgets


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Widgets are one of the most important parts that make your PC look smarter. Also, it helps to work as a shortcut to get access to different applications easily. From news to music players, you can get widgets for many different applications. Microsoft took over the interests and news with Widgets on Windows 11. According to rumors, Microsoft might open the panel of widgets for third-party developers. All you can get now is Microsoft’s own weather, news, photos, stocks, and others. But there are some people who do not want widgets on their PC, here is how to disable Windows 11 widgets.

Windows 11 Widgets Disable

With the new version, you will be able to get the feature to disable it. There are many different ways to remove the widgets in Windows 11. here are they given below in detail.

  • Disable From The Taskbar Context Menu

First, find the widget icon and right-click on it. Along with all the other options, you will get an option that says  “Hide From Taskbar”.  It helps to remove the widgets immediately from the Windows. The widgets button will stop appearing in your taskbar with this simple change.

  • Disable The Windows 11 Widgets From The Taskbar Settings

Another very easy way to disable the widgets is from the taskbar of Windows. Here are some of the steps that you will need to follow given below with details:

  1. First, right-click in any area of your taskbar and click on taskbar settings.
  2. In this settings option, you will find the widgets option. All you have to do is turn it off.
  3. The widgets button is removed from the taskbar.

  • Hide The Windows 11 Widgets Using Windows Settings App

You can also disable the widgets from the settings app of Windows. Open the Settings app, go to the personalization option among all the other options. In the personalization tab, you will find some of the options like Lock Screen, Themes, start, touch keyboard, and others.

You will find an option “Taskbar” It will take you to the settings page of the taskbar where you will find the widgets option. Just turn off the widgets from the page to hide all of them from the PC.

  • Remove Windows 11 Widgets Using Registry Editor

Another rare but effective and reliable way to delete the widgets from your Windows is by Registry Editor. Here are the details given below that will help you to know how the process works.

First, open the Registry Editor by entering “regedit” in the search bar of Windows. You can also open the run option and type regedit there. It will open the Registry Editor in Windows 11. Scroll down the options to find the folder named “Taskbar Da” Now, you have to select the folder and right-click on it.

You will get different options available but choose the value data field option among them. Change the value of the field to zero. Now, click on okay and restart the computer.

These are some of the most popular options that you can choose to hide, remove, or delete the widgets from Windows 11. Now that you know how to disable Windows 11 widgets, choose the best method for you and remove them today.











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